Dust Jacket Rejects

Art DirectionLiterary Works of Staggering Consequence

“Easily one of the shittiest jamjobs in recent memory...if not publishing history.” — Malik Horvath • USA Today

“Just think, if Sean Spicer had zero business ‘talking?' Imagine his brains getting shotgunned across each and every page.” — Jo Beth Dickerson • Glamour Magazine

“John Bolton’s languid, sanctimonious prose quickly wears thin...and his ‘poor little match girl’ routine is just as stupid as that mustache.” — Jeremy Prendergast • The Federalist

“Living with the knowledge that a walrus with spaghetti-and-meatball-stained hair on his face was granted top-level security clearance?! F&$k ME!” — Evelyn Chow • Chalmer's Evening Gazette

“The judgement of this court? Guilty! Of frigging loving this book!!!” — Cynthia Frutters • Better Homes & Gardens

“The highly sensationalized psychosexual underpinnings of any lurid total bitch would normally interest me, but this one grossed me out. And I’m a convicted sex addict!” – Ron Jeremy’s Dog • via email